FSINGENIUM Team arose from the personal bet of Fernando Sarría, architect and head of FSESTRUCTURAS www.fsestructuras.com, an engineering company mainly focused on the structure design and calculation located in Sarriguren, Navarra (Spain). This entrepreneur seeks to give back to society what he receives from it and feels his way to achieve that is by engaging with the future: with kids. One day, walking in Pamplona with with his children, he run into the final competition of the First Lego League (FLL) and thought: “this is what I want to do”. The financial crisis and years went by and when the opportunity presented itself he formed a team. To gather participants, on top of his children and his nephews, he reached out to Planetario-the institution that leads First Lego League in Navarre-.

The head of the FLL suggested him to incorporate robotics students whose schools didn’t compete in the tournament as those kids couldn´t take part in the fascinating adventure that the world championship is. Just like that a heterogeneous team was formed. Kids with different ages, schools and neighbourhoods of Pamplona, which years ago were not known, today conform a solid team that works with respect and excellence as core values.